Jag har en såndär aldrig-kommer-att-bli-något-förälskelse på en riktig heting. Såndär crush när man blir riktigt förälskad i någon man vet att man aldrig kommer att få och som man egentligen inte vill vara tillsammans med, bara föreställa sig och egentligen är de så knäppt roliga (ja, jag vet, jag har inget bättre för mig). Åter till crushkillen så såg jag honom på Gröna Lund med Lina och Linda när vi var där för NRJ in the park. Jag orkar inte skriva ner allting för det var helt underbart så därför kopierar jag det jag skrev till min australienska kompis Alexander på Facebook (det var nämligen så att jag berättade om Milows framträdande först):
"But I wasn't going to tell you about Milow... I was going to tell you 'bout a band called Dead by April.... it's a swedish band! First I wasn't sure I was going to like their screaming or growling but they were so awesome! I promise! And the funniest thing was that the "lead singer" checked me out before the concert (or he looked at me twice and smiled at me, ('cause we were on the same restaurant)... and I was like: "Why is a guy with full of tattoos on his arms and his neck looking at me who has blond hair and pink clothes and no tattoos?") ... haha... and I didn't realize that it was THE LEAD SINGER FROM DEAD BY APRIL then! So I got pretty surprised when he suddenly was standing in front of me, on the stage and made a very very good performance... he and his band pretty much owned the stage! So I'm going to give you an order now to listen to Dead by April on Youtube or Spotify (if you have that :))... "Losing you" is their most famous song and I have a favourite song who's called "Trapped"... anyway... I thought I had a crush on the lead singer for a while... at least until I found out that he was 28, married and had two children... haha... it was just a little tiny crush on a rock star... just for a short while...! :D"
och vet ni vad Alexander kontrade med? ;)
"Not a huge fan of Dead by April I gotta say, buy dont ever say that its weird to have a crush on a 28 year old rock star who is married with kids, if that was weird then imagine how weird my crush on Angelina Jolie would be!"
Han är riktigt skön den där killen! ;)
Här är en bild på Jimmie från Dead by April från NRJ in the park, tagen av min mobil och zoomat- alltså inte världens bästa bild!
"But I wasn't going to tell you about Milow... I was going to tell you 'bout a band called Dead by April.... it's a swedish band! First I wasn't sure I was going to like their screaming or growling but they were so awesome! I promise! And the funniest thing was that the "lead singer" checked me out before the concert (or he looked at me twice and smiled at me, ('cause we were on the same restaurant)... and I was like: "Why is a guy with full of tattoos on his arms and his neck looking at me who has blond hair and pink clothes and no tattoos?") ... haha... and I didn't realize that it was THE LEAD SINGER FROM DEAD BY APRIL then! So I got pretty surprised when he suddenly was standing in front of me, on the stage and made a very very good performance... he and his band pretty much owned the stage! So I'm going to give you an order now to listen to Dead by April on Youtube or Spotify (if you have that :))... "Losing you" is their most famous song and I have a favourite song who's called "Trapped"... anyway... I thought I had a crush on the lead singer for a while... at least until I found out that he was 28, married and had two children... haha... it was just a little tiny crush on a rock star... just for a short while...! :D"
och vet ni vad Alexander kontrade med? ;)
"Not a huge fan of Dead by April I gotta say, buy dont ever say that its weird to have a crush on a 28 year old rock star who is married with kids, if that was weird then imagine how weird my crush on Angelina Jolie would be!"
Han är riktigt skön den där killen! ;)
Här är en bild på Jimmie från Dead by April från NRJ in the park, tagen av min mobil och zoomat- alltså inte världens bästa bild!